antara-antara posts di Fb.....Untuk f3 ialah..*chewwah* :~
to all f3 student's..i hope that you all get the best results in the Pmr Examinations...hope get the excellant scores....hope the best yo~!i always pray for you all~!!be the best among the best~just accept it with an open heart whether you results in bad or in excellent score....wish you all luck...just don't forget to have a solat hajat after Subuh~!!hahaks...
to all student form 3,sama2 laa kita brdoa dpt result cemerlang esk..
n to all student yg da lepas PMR or masih blom smpai mase PMR,doakanlah kami yg akan amek result esk...
untuk bdk2 form 3 uhh...gud luck arr esok!!!!hopefully u all dapat straight A's.....
DOAKAN AK....[akk f3 nim..hahhakks]
p/s:aq nim actually tgh boring...so x de keje la katakan...aq cari la keje...hehehhe =) caIyOoK~!!
GoOd LucK To All F3 stUdENts in MALAySiA!!~