OUhh ;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

T0: All f3 STuDents In mALaYsia... =)

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

antara-antara posts di Fb.....Untuk f3 ialah..*chewwah* :~

to all f3 student's..i hope that you all get the best results in the Pmr Examinations...hope get the excellant scores....hope the best yo~!i always pray for you all~!!be the best among the best~just accept it with an open heart whether you results in bad or in excellent score....wish you all luck...just don't forget to have a solat hajat after Subuh~!!hahaks...

to all student form 3,sama2 laa kita brdoa dpt result cemerlang esk..
n to all student yg da lepas PMR or masih blom smpai mase PMR,doakanlah kami yg akan amek result esk...

untuk bdk2 form 3 uhh...gud luck arr esok!!!!hopefully u all dapat straight A's.....

DEBARAN KIAN TERASE.....DOAKAN AK....[akk f3 nim..hahhakks]

p/s:aq nim actually tgh boring...so x de keje la katakan...aq cari la keje...hehehhe =) caIyOoK~!!

GoOd LucK To All F3 stUdENts in MALAySiA!!~

CAnCel TriP~!!

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
Myspace hello Comments
ermm..aq ader nak kongsi citer nim....spatutnya aq n my famili dah berada di KL....cuti2 malaysia la katakan...yer la kan....masa bulan cuti ni la...aq boleh la hilangkan stress aq kat skolah nim.....dengan timbunan Omework la...cam2 la lagi...boleh wat aq jdik giler lak..kih3.....ok2...aq sambung citer sal tadi....erm...then aq pun epi giler ar...boleh pergi KL....
lepas tu..mak aku kata..x jadik la...selepas beberapa hari nak trip ke kL....OMG....betapa frustnyer aq...
aq x caya la waktu tu....disebabkan aq x caya kata2 mak aq[aq dah la excited sangat ketika itu..huhuthen..tetiba lak..aq jadik frust..huhu]mak aq suruh tanya ayah aq...then aq tanya la plak ayh aq....
btol la...x jadik pergi....huh~!!nak pujuk lak...x leyh~!!x diterima pujukan...GERAM TOL AQ.....
yer la kan...setiap kali ader maslah jer...x jadik pergi...*CHEWAHH ayt*
erm.....AQ redha...nak wat camner...dah x boleh nak pergi kan3?